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The Best Skincare For People With Rosacea from No7

The Best Skincare For People With Rosacea from No7
No7 Beauty
Writer and expert2 years ago
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Affecting an estimated 16 million people in the U.S, rosacea on the face is a long-term, but common skin condition. Usually harmless, it can begin with facial redness, but overtime worsen and cause visible blood vessels, swelling, skin thickening, and even textural changes.

Read on to discover what is rosacea, it’s causes, and how to help treat the appearance of rosacea with skincare from No7..

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that’s characterised by inflammation, flushed skin and facial redness. Rosacea symptoms can come and go in severity, but typically affects the skin on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead area.

Rosacea is also most common in middle-aged women with fairer skin tones, but the condition can also affect darker skin tones, and men too.

What causes rosacea?

The red and flushed-like appearance of rosacea is often caused by dilated and enlarged blood vessels. It's unknown exactly what the causes of rosacea are, but genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors can contribute to the problem and trigger a rosacea flare up.

Some of these factors include:

  • Alcohol and caffeine

  • Spicy foods or dairy products

  • Sun exposure or wind

  • Stress

  • Aerobic exercise like running

  • Hot or cold weather

What does rosacea look like?

Rosacea skin often appears as redness, or flushing of the skin with visible blood vessels, patchy dryness, acne-like bumps, or even red and irritated eyes. 

How to help get rid of rosacea

Like many skin conditions, rosacea cannot be entirely cured. However, the appearance of rosacea can be managed and minimised with skin care for rosacea and a consistent skin care routine.

Rosacea skincare routine

Rosacea and sensitive skin often go hand in hand, likely due to the disruption in the skin-barrier function. The best products for those with rosacea are gentle, yet effective, and suitable for sensitive skin

    No7 Beauty
    Writer and expert
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